Family Friendly Netbook from Disney

For those of you with young children and looking to pick up one of those priced right for the picking netbooks which have taken the market by storm, Disney’s new Netpal netbook just starting taking Pre-orders yesterday. For those who don’t know, the specs look like this:

* 8.9-inch screen
* Intel Atom N270 CPU
* 16GB SSD
* WiFi
* 3 USB ports
* 0.3 MP webcam

The best spec of this laptop is that Disney has put their own child friendly, parent approved shell on top of Windows XP, allowing parents control of the apps which are allowed to run, the times of day they can be run, a web browser which allows you white-list websites and an email client which will do the same. It’s very customizable and best of all it can run any MS apps such as Word or Powerpoint for your young one’s class projects. As stated, pre-orders are up at Toys R Us.

For more details and a great video demo of the product, check out Engadget.

[via Slashgear]